Released at the same time as the Cannes festival, the figures from the European Observatory concerning film attendance in Europe always make for good reading. Inevitably, they never reflect the opinions of either reviewers nor festival awards. It would be very surprising if they did, in fact, as one of the roles of festivals is to highlight films that the audience would not otherwise find.
N° of films produced in 2005:
Europe 798
US 699
Average cost of a feature:
France $6.2 million
UK $13.3 million
US: $60 million for majors, $23.5 for indies
Spectators in 2005Europe 892 million
US: 1403 million
The Top 10 European films by attendance in 2005:
Pride & Prejudice
Brice de Nice (a surprising result as it was only released in French-speaking Europe)
The March of the Emperor
Der Untergang/Downfall
Oliver Twist
Torrente 3 (only seen in Spain as far as I know)
Nanny McPhee
Les Poupées Russes/Russian Dolls
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Film attendance gives only a limited view of a film's career, as DVD and TV sales are so important. This is even more true in Europe, where a significant number of films only get a very limited release outside their country of origin.