Thursday, July 21, 2005

Polish cinema festival features European cinema

One of the most promising new festivals in Europe must be Poland's "Era Nowe Horyzonty/Era New Horizons" that has just kicked off on the Polish/Czech border. Over ten days, it will show some 300 largely European films. I quote: "The most important part of the festival is the competition. This section includes 18 innovative, visionary films trying to push the boundaries of conventional cinema and redefine the language of film-making. The films in competition, screened for the first time in Poland, are rated by the festival’s audience and one of them is awarded the Grand Prix. Eléonore Faucher's "Brodeuses" won the Grand Prix at 2004 Festival."

Other events include a Rainer Werner Fasssbinder retrospective, the Moviemiento short film programme and a masterclass from Andrzej Wajda.

For details, visit the Era Nowe Horyzonty website (in Polish, English and Czech).

Andrzej Wajda on Amazon US
Fassbinder on Amazon US
Fassbinder on Amazon FR
Andrzej Wajda on Amazon UK
Fassbinder on Amazon UK

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