Sunday, July 03, 2005

Belgium: Call for short scripts in French

"In a relationship, you first get to know each other, and then trust and the desire to do something together begins to grow." Production house Chroma has started an initiative with a view to making these first steps in the long-term writer-producer relationship, the first of its kind in Belgium." Producer Nathan Zylbersztejn is actively looking for scripts for a short film. Rather than running a competition, they will select two stories that will then receive a comprehensive workover under the eye of Dominique Lohlé during a workshop in November. Given the chronic need for script development in Europe, this sounds like a good idea. Two films will then be made, with the specialised distribution house La Big Family handling sales. Deadline for submissions is August 30.

For details, visit Chroma.


Anonymous said...

Have we been in touch before ? Have more than twenty short scripts all in English. Are you interested in reading outlines ? Thank you
Yair Packer

A-Lyric said...

Hi Yair.

The Chroma event is for French scripts. However, you might want to check "101 Scénaristes en Herbe/101 New Scriptwriters", an international group of writers at