After the Belgian victory at Cannes for "L'enfant/The Child", as well as the César for "Quand la mer monte" a few months back, it might seem like there is currently a Belgian touch in cinema. But is there really? The Belgian writers' group ASA will ask the big question at a special meeting that features representatives of the Sopadin screenwriting competitions in France. As all Belgian films are co-productions - most often with France - outsiders' opinions are very important. Perhaps coincidentally, the Belgian writer Bernard Bellefroid won the Sopadin's junior award some time back. So there will be plenty to debate.
There is no website for ASA. The talk will take place on June 7. For details, contact ASA (Association des Scénaristes de l’Audiovisuel asbl), Rue du Prince Royal 87-1050 Bruxelles Tel.: 02/551.03.20. E-mail : asa@sacd.be
"Quand la mer monte" on Amazon FR
(release date: June 6, 2005)
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